Uc berkeley gaussian software
Uc berkeley gaussian software

uc berkeley gaussian software

Simulating Polyculture Farming to Tune Automation Policies for Plant Diversity and Precision Irrigation. Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR), Oulu, Finland, July 2021. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Las Vegas, NV, USA, October 2020.ĭeep Imitation Learning of Sequential Fabric Smoothing From an Algorithmic Supervisor.ĭaniel Seita, Aditya Ganapathi, Ryan Hoque, Minho Hwang, Edward Cen, Ajay Kumar Tanwani, Ashwin Balakrishna, Brijen Thananjeyan, Jeffrey Ichnowski, Nawid Jamali, Kastu Yamane, Soshi Iba, John Canny, Ken Goldberg.IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Las Vegas, NV, USA, October 2020.ĪBC-LMPC: Safe Sample-Based Learning MPC for Stochastic Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Adjustable Boundary Conditions.īrijen Thananjeyan*, Ashwin Balakrishna*, Ugo Rosolia, Joseph E. Michael Danielczuk, Anelia Angelova, Vincent Vanhoucke, Ken Goldberg. X-RAY: Mechanical Search for an Occluded Object by Minimizing Support of Learned Occupancy Distributions. Mike Danielczuk*, Ashwin Balakrishna*, Daniel Brown, Shivin Devgon, Ken Goldberg.Ĭonference on Robot Learning (CoRL), Online MIT, Cambridge, MA, Nov 2020. Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), Online MIT, Cambridge, MA, Nov 2020.Įxploratory Grasping: Asymptotically Optimal Algorithms for Grasping Challenging Polyhedral Objects Jennifer Grannen*, Priya Sundaresan*, Brijen Thananjeyan, Jeff Ichnowski, Ashwin Balakrishna, Vainavi Viswanath, Michael Laskey,

uc berkeley gaussian software

Untangling Dense Knots by Learning Task-Relevant Keypoints. Goldberg with inquiries about papers under review.) IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and

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Summer 2016.Įditorial: "One Robot is Robotics, Ten Robots is Automation." January 2019.Ĭultivating the Uncanny: The Telegarden and Other Oddities.Ĭhapter 8 of Robots and Art: Exploring an Unlikely Symbiosis.Įdited by Damith Herath, Christian Kroos, and Stelarc. Robots and the Return to Collaborative Intelligence (Commentary). Jeffrey Mahler, Matthew Matl, Vishal Satish, Mike Danielczuk, Bill DeRose, Learning Ambidextrous Robot Grasping Policies. ġ9 Papers and Presentations - Spring 2021.īlooma Goldberg, Ken Goldberg, and Ashley Chase.īook illustrated by Dave Clegg. Jeffrey Ichnowski, Yahav Avigal, Vishal Satish, Ken Goldberg. Ryan Hoque, Daniel Seita, Ashwin Balakrishna, Aditya Ganapathi, Ajay Kumar Tanwani, Nawid Jamali, Katsu Yamane, Soshi Iba, Ken Goldberg.ĭeep Learning Can Significantly Accelerate Grasp-Optimized Motion Planning. VisuoSpatial Foresight for Physical Sequential Fabric Manipulation. Hollerbach, Seth Hutchinson, Venkat Krovi, Daniel Lee, Bill Smart and Henrik Christensen, Nancy Amato, Holly Yanco, Maja Mataric, HowieĬhoset, Ann Drobnis, Ken Goldberg, Jessy Grizzle, Gregory Hager, John Ī Roadmap for US Robotics – From Internet to Robotics. Use CNTL-F to Find specific keywords on this page.Erdos-Bacon number: 6 = 3 (Erdos) + 3 (Bacon).

Uc berkeley gaussian software